
National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club, Inc Constitution and By-Laws

Dr. Terry Reed, President of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, reminded the members of the National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club, Inc at the 59th Annual ARBA Convention in Seattle, Washington, that the ARBA is the parent organization for all of the specialty clubs and therefore we should be aware of the Constitution and By-Laws of the ARBA.


The name of this association shall be known as the National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club, Inc.

The objective of this Association is to promote and improve the development of the Angora rabbit in all of its phases, to provide information, to advance and protect the interests of the public as well as those of the breeders, to encourage the breeding of the standard animals, to encourage and promote the formation of state, regional and local specialty clubs and provide necessary assistance.

This club shall be affiliated with the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.


SECTION 1: Eligibility. An owner or breeder of angora rabbits or a person interested in the promotion of the angora breed or the angora fiber may become a member of the Association upon payment of dues thereby agreeing to comply with all rules, regulations, and mandates of the Association.

SECTION 2: Classification. There shall be the following types of membership:
A. Single Membership
  • Individual adult members age 19 and over.
  • Member is entitled to one (1) nontransferable vote in all matters pertaining to the Association.
B. Youth Membership
  • Members through the age of 18 years.
  • Youth members may vote for Youth Director only.
  • Youth members may not run for any office except Youth Director.
C. Rabbitry Membership
  • Consist of no more than two adult members who live at the same address.
  • Each adult member is entitled to one (1) nontransferable vote in all matters pertaining to the Association.
  • Members must be named at the time of application.
D. Family Membership
  • Consists of two (2) adult members and all persons under the age of 19 who live at the same address.
  • All members must be named at the time of application.
  • Each adult member is entitled to one (1) nontransferable vote in all matters pertaining to the Association.
  • Youth Membership rules (set forth in Section 2, B. above) apply to all youth persons in a Family Membership.
E. Life Membership
  • The Board of Directors may bestow Life Membership on any member of the Association for exemplary service, dedication, and/or outstanding contributions to NARBC, INC, provided the member has at least ten years membership in NARBC, INC.
  • Each Life Member shall be entitled to one (1) nontransferable vote in all matters pertaining to the Association.
  • When a life membership is bestowed upon an individual, all future dues of the individual are waived.
F. Honorary Membership
  • The Board of Directors may bestow Honorary Membership on any person for outstanding contributions to the angora industry and/or NARBC, INC.
  • The Honorary member's dues shall be waived.
  • The Honorary Member shall have no voting rights or be able to hold office.
  • The Honorary Member may choose to pay dues; and if he/she does pay dues he/she will have the rights associated with the membership type applied for.
SECTION 3: Privileges

  • Each membership classification type (single, youth, rabbitry, family, life or honorary) will receive a subscription of the Association newsletter.
  • Each individual member may compete for sweepstakes points.
  • Each individual member may participate in the membership contest.
  • A member in good standing shall be one whose dues are current in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws and who is not under disciplinary action.
  • Voting rights, if any, depending upon your type of membership as stated in Article IV, Section 2.
  • A member has the right to purchase a copy(s) of the Guide Book.
SECTION 4: Term and Renewal

  • Membership shall begin on the date of the NARBC, Inc secretary's receipt. Membership dues shall expire on the last day of that month one year later (or multiple years later in the case of a multiple year membership or renewal).
  • Renewal dues must be paid on or before the expiration date. Memberships not renewed within 30 days following the expiration date will result in loss of membership and sweepstakes points for the lapsed period.
SECTION 5: Dues and Fees

  • The Board of Directors shall determine annual dues.
  • All dues must be paid in U. S. funds.
  • Dues are non-refundable
SECTION 6: Right to accept or reject membership

  • The Board of Directors reserves the right to accept or reject, for cause, any application for membership or renewal.
SECTION 7: Authority

This Association shall have the authority to make such laws, establish such rules and adopt such regulations as may be necessary for the governing of its members.


SECTION 1: The officers of the club shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, four (4) Directors and one (1) Youth Director. All these officers are elected by the membership. The President, or in the absence of the President, the Vice-President with the approval of the Board of Directors, may appoint a person pro tempore. The Executive Officers shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 2: The officers shall be elected by the membership by U.S. postage or bulk ballot.

SECTION 3: A member, to be eligible for any office, must have been a member of NARBC, Inc. for three (3) years immediately preceding applying for an office. be an owner/breeder of angora rabbits or have a strong interest in the promotion of the breeds, be over 18 years of age and a member in good standing, except for the Youth Director, who shall be at least 12 years of age and under 19 years of age during the term of office. Membership dues shall be paid in advance through the full term of office being sought. ARBA membership is required.

SECTION 4: The term of office for all officers shall be four years. The President, Treasurer and two (2) Directors shall be elected in even years. The Vice-President, Secretary, and two (2) Directors and one (1) Youth Director shall be elected in the odd years.

SECTION 5: All Officers and Directors may serve consecutive terms in office as so elected by the membership.

SECTION 6: All officers shall assume office on August 1 and run through their term of office on July 31 of their respective year. Vacancies in any office shall be filled by appointment of the President, subject to a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 7: Directors will be elected from four (4) Regions/Districts to facilitate the representation of all NARBC, Inc. members. In order to facilitate the representation of the youth members, there shall be one (1) youth director to sit on the Board of Directors. In the event that there is no candidate for director from within the district, and no one from the district willing to be appointed as director in case of a vacancy, the President may appoint another club member from outside the district as director pro tempore, subject to vote of approval by 2/3 majority of the Board of Directors. The four (4) Regions/Districts shall be designated as follows:

  1. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan. Canada: Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Foundland-Labrador, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario. International: Europe.
  2. Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, D.C., North& South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Puerto Rico. International: Caribbean, South America, Africa, Middle East.
  3. Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, Northwest Territory, Nunavut.
  4. California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Hawaii. International: Mexico, Central America, Pacific/Asia.


SECTION 1: Any member wishing to file a complaint of misconduct against any other member of the NARBC, Inc shall cite the ARBA or NARBC, Inc Constitution and By-Laws and/or official ARBA show rules in their charge and submit those charges in writing along with a $50.00 processing fee to either the NARBC, Inc President or Secretary, who shall promptly bring the matter to the attention of the entire Board of Directors.

SECTION 2: Any member against whom charges have been filed shall be furnished with a complete statement of the charges by the Secretary or President and shall be allowed 30 days to file a reply.

SECTION 3: The charges, together with the reply, if any has been received, shall be furnished each member of the Board of Directors for his consideration. The Board of Directors may, by two-thirds (2/3) majority votes, reprimand, suspend, or expel the member. Less than two-thirds (2/3) majority shall constitute acquittal of the charges.

SECTION 4: Any member suspended or expelled shall not be eligible for reinstatement within one year of the date of suspension or expulsion and must be approved by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 5: If an Officer or Director does not fulfill his/her duties or shows a lack of interest in Club matters, he/she shall be asked to resign by the President or in the case of the President, by the Vice-President, in the same manner as outlined in Sections 2 and 3. If he/she fails to do so, the Board of Directors, by majority vote, can declare the office vacant.


SECTION 1: The Annual Membership meeting shall be held during the annual Convention of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.

SECTION 2: The Board of Directors shall hold a meeting prior to the Annual Membership meeting. This meeting shall take place during the annual Convention of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. At the Board of Directors' meeting, four (4) of the Board members must be present to vote on any club business. Only Board members may cast a vote in any motion under consideration by the Board.

SECTION 3: At the Annual Membership meeting, twenty (20) members in good standing must be present to have a quorum. Quorum is defined as the number of members in good standing that must be present to make the annual meeting valid. A simple majority of the quorum at the Annual Membership meeting may approve necessary business matters and make decisions necessary to conducting Club business not otherwise handled by approved committees or the Board of Directors.

SECTION 4: The President may call additional meetings as deemed necessary to transact Club business or whenever requested in writing by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors or by a simple majority of the membership in good standing. At such special meetings there shall be considered only the special business for which the meeting was called. Notice of such meetings (date and time) needs to be given to all Directors, 10 days in advance of meeting, unless it is an emergency.

SECTION 5: No vote by proxy will be allowed at any meeting of the club, either in the general meeting or in a meeting of the Board of Directors.


In the event of a dissolution of this organization, all monies and assets held by the club at that time, shall be turned over to our parent organization, the American Rabbit Breeders Association (a nonprofit organization), to be used at their discretion for the Youth Scholarship Fund, the Research and Development Fund, or any such fund in existence at that time.


Any proposed Amendment to this document must be submitted in writing to the Constitution Committee for review to determine that it is correctly stated and is consistent with other provisions of the existing Constitution and By-Laws. The proposed change shall then be forwarded to the Board of Directors and the Newsletter Editor for inclusion in the next Newsletter. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all votes cast by mail, provided all members in good standing are notified in writing of the proposed changes and furnished a ballot at least thirty (30) days before the closing of the polls; or may be amended at the annual meeting by two-thirds (2/3) majority of all good standing members present, provided there is a quorum (20 members) of the membership present.

ADOPTED 4/30/79; REVISED 5/30/84; REVISED 6/30/85; REVISED 4/30/86; REVISED 10/13/87; REVISED 3/30/92; REVISED 6/1/96; REVISED 11/15/96; REVISED 10/1/98; REVISED 5/10/99; REVISED 10/27/2003; REVISED 6/7/04; REVISED 10/15/10; REVISED 10/13/12; REVISED 2/10/16; REVISED 10/3/17



DUES: Deleted per vote 10/15/10


SECTION 1: President - The President shall:

  1. Preside over meetings.
  2. Appoint all committees not provided for.
  3. Call special meetings of the Club and Board of Directors.
  4. Fill vacancies of office by appointment and all other duties of office.
  5. The Present shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and the Board of Directors.

SECTION 2: Vice-President - The Vice-President shall:

  1. Perform all duties in absence of the President.
  2. Automatically succeed to the office of President in the event of vacancy.
  3. The Vice-President shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3: Secretary - The Secretary shall:

  1. Receive and act on all membership applications.
  2. Maintain a complete set of books and records regarding memberships.
  3. Publish a current membership list each year in the December deadline issue of the Angora News.
  4. Shall maintain the Policies and Procedures Manual; and promptly update policy(s) upon a Board modification to a policy.
  5. Forward all monies received on a monthly basis to the Treasurer.
  6. Handle all correspondence and advise the President on any unusual matters.
  7. The Secretary shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.
  8. Prepare meeting minutes for all board meetings and send to the board members.
  9. Prepare annual board meeting minutes.
  10. Submit all approved board meeting minutes to the Newsletter Editor for Publication.
  11. Submit annual meeting minutes to the Newsletter Editor for Publication.
  12. Maintain and store all board meeting minutes.
  13. Maintain and store all annual membershop meeting minutes.
  14. Review and edit the Angora News prior to publication.
  15. The secretary is to send the email addresses to the publishing vendor of the newsletter for distribution via email.
  16. Proof all ballot drafts received from the Elections/Voting Committee.
  17. Send ballots to membership as determined by the Board.
  18. Maintain and store club supplies, Guide Book, patches and banners.
  19. Shall order, maintain, store and distribute ribbons for the rabbit wool judging and the wool/skein/garment competition.
  20. Maintain and update Guide Book.
  21. Complete and submit the charter renewal to ARBA in a prompt fashion.

SECTION 4: Treasurer - The Treasurer shall:

  1. Be bonded to cover the assets of the Club (the bonding premium to be paid by the Club).
  2. Maintain a bank account in the name of the Club and from it pay expenses which have been pre-authorized by either the Constitution and By-Laws or by a special vote of the, Board of Directors including amounts over budget items.
  3. Maintain a complete set of financial books and records
  4. Keep the financial books/records per the Records Retention policy.
  5. Will send a monthly report to the Board of Directors.
  6. Will publish in each edition of the Angora News the financial status of the organization.
  7. All financial reports and activities will be audited annually by the Audit Committee The audit shall be conducted at the close of each fiscal year.
  8. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 5: The Board of Directors

  1. The Board of Directors is to include the four (4) regional and one (1) youth directors along with the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
  2. The general supervision and conduct of the affairs of the Club shall be vested in the Board of Directors which shall have legislative powers.
  3. The Board of Directors shall carry out instruction of Club-authorized expenditures, shall devise ways and all other duties that pertain to the office.
  4. The Board of Directors will review annual financial statement and determine bond coverage previous to annual meeting.
  5. Each Director shall act as an overseer to at least one committee and issue at least one committee report quarterly. Shall evaluate the progress of each committee under his/her direction and report to the President.
  6. The Board of Directors may elect as honorary members any person distinguished for outstanding contributions to the rabbit industry. Honorary members shall have no right to vote or hold office.
  7. The Board of Directors may, at their discretion, bestow life membership upon any member of the association who has distinguished himself/herself through exemplary service and dedication to the NARBC, Inc. Such a member must have had at least ten consecutive years membership in the association to qualify for this honor.
  8. The Board of Directors as a body is solely responsible for making or changing policy within the club. No individual officer or director may make a policy change; it must be brought before the Board and approved by 2/3 majority vote of the Board. A policy is to be understood to mean an internal rule governing and guiding the ongoing operation of the club, as opposed to a one-time business decision made to facilitate the running of the club. No policy may be implemented which is not in accordance with the NARBC, Inc Constitution and By-Laws.
  9. A simple majority vote of the Board of Directors is necessary to approve an action or decision unless elsewhere in this document specified to require a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
  10. A Policies and Procedures Manual shall contain a record of all policies adopted by the Board of Directors and current procedures, with reference to the dates of their inception, and shall be consulted as necessary by the officers, directors and committee chairman, as well as be available to the membership when requested. Updates must be made in a timely manner.


SECTION 1: Compensation

Compensation for any NARBC, Inc position will be set forth in the Policies and Procedures Manual.

SECTION 2: Budget

  1. A budget for the upcoming fiscal year will be submitted by the Budget Committee to the Newsletter Editor for publication in the March 1st deadline of the newsletter for the membership.
  2. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Budget Committee.
  3. A mailed ballot for budget approval shall be sent with the election ballot and all election ballot time frames shall apply to the budget ballot.
  4. A majority vote of valid ballots cast is required to approve the budget.
  5. Special project financing not included in the budget must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors or of the membership.

SECTION 3: Audit

Every year the President shall appoint an Audit Committee (see Audit Committee under Standing Committees). This committee shall be selected from members in good standing of NARBC, Inc, consisting of no fewer than two members and not including either the President or Treasurer for the purpose of reviewing and auditing the financial records of the Association and reporting the results to the Board of Directors and membership at the ARBA Convention. The standards or methodology used in each review shall be determined by the committee undertaking the audit. The standards or methodology used shall be disclosed in the annual report of the committee to Board of Directors and the membership at the annual meeting of NARBC, Inc.


  1. An Indemnity Bond or Crime Shield Policy shall be purchased by the Association.
  2. The Bond or Policy shall cover all members of this association who handle any Association funds.

SECTION 5: Fiscal Year:

The Association's fiscal year shall begin August 1st and end July 31st.



Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary procedure of this Club.

SECTION 2: The order of business shall follow this order:

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call of officers
  3. Reading of the minutes
  4. Report of officers
  5. Report of committees
  6. Unfinished business
  7. New business
  8. Discussion
  9. Adjournment


SECTION 1: Standing Committees

  1. The Standing Committees of NARBC, Inc shall be, Audit; Boutique, Budget; By-Laws; Election/Voting; Fiber; Internet; Membership; Newsletter; Publicity; Show Advisory; Show Rules; Standards, Research and Development; and Youth.
  2. Chairperson and Members of the Standing Committees shall consist of active members of NARBC, Inc.
  3. All Standing Committees shall be an odd number of members, which includes the Chairperson, except the Audit Committee which may have any number.
  4. Committee Chairperson will:
    1. Be appointed at the Annual Membership Meeting by the President.
    2. Have their names, email and phone numbers listed in each newsletter.
    3. Receive comments and suggestions from the membership and the general public and reply to them when so directed by the Board of Directors.
    4. Provide progress reports at the meetings called by the President.
  5. Association members interested in serving on a Standing Committee shall submit their request, including reasons, in writing to the President.
  6. The President shall have the authority to make such replacements of Committee Chairperson and Committee Members as are considered to be in the best interest of the Association.

SECTION 2: Audit

  1. The committee shall review and audit the financial records of the Association and report the results to the Treasurer who will inform the Board of Directors.
  2. A copy of the Audit Report will be printed in the Angora News to inform the members of NARBC, Inc.
  3. An audit of the records of NARBC, Inc will be performed each year at the close of the fiscal year.
  4. This committee shall consist of no fewer than two members in good standing.
  5. The President and Treasurer shall not be members or Chairperson of this committee.

SECTION 3: Budget The Budget Committee shall:

  1. Prepare the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
  2. Submit a copy of the proposed budget to the Board of Directors prior to sending it to the Newsletter Editor for publication in the March deadline issue of the newsletter.
  3. Contact the Elections/Voting Chairperson to include the budget ballot on the Elections ballot.
  4. The election ballot time guidelines shall be applicable to the budget ballot.

SECTION 4: By-Laws Committee. The Bylaws Committee shall:

  1. Maintain continuous study of the By-Laws for the purpose of furnishing interpretations when requested by an officer or member of the Association and for the purpose of offering improvements or clarifications in the form of modifications.
  2. Offer amendments, if deemed desirable, for improvement or clarification in the prescribed manner for consideration at the annual meeting.
  3. Submit to the Board of Directors a current and correct copy of the proposed changes for approval prior to submission to the Newsletter Editor for printing in the newsletter.
  4. Upon adoption of an amendment or modification by the membership, they shall revise the necessary articles of sections to include the amendment, and shall furnish it to the Secretary of the Association within thirty (30) days following adoption.
  5. Submit to the Board of Directors a current and correct copy of the adopted amendments for approval prior to submission to the Newsletter Editor for printing in the newsletter.
  6. Furnish a current and correct copy of the By-Laws to the Newsletter Editor for inclusion in December deadline issue of the newsletter.

SECTION 5: Fiber Committee.

The Commercial Committee shall research and provide information on the commercial and business aspects of the Angora industry.

SECTION 6: Election/Voting Committee.
The Election/Voting Committee shall draw up election rules and publish them in the newsletter.
The Election/Voting Committee shall:

  1. Notify members of upcoming vacancies on the Board of Directors in the December 1st deadline issue of the newsletter.
  2. Receive nominations and/or resumes and verify the validity of each candidate's membership from the Secretary.
  3. Design a ballot and furnish a copy to the President and Secretary for approval prior to printing.
  4. Print the ballots.
  5. Mail the election ballots by first class mail to the General Membership by May 15th of each year
  6. Accept only ballots postmarked by June 5th, unless falling on a Sunday, the following Monday, June 6th, shall be an official postmark; and the Board of Directors may authorize an extension of a balloting deadline in any vote as so needed. (10 October 2016)
  7. Notify the President and Secretary of any invalid ballots.
  8. Have the committee counts the votes and tabulate the results
  9. Notify the President and Secretary of the election results.
  10. Notify candidates regarding the election results.
  11. Submit the election results to the Angora News for publication.
  12. The Election/Voting Committee shall also be responsible for additional ballot and voting responsibilities as directed by the President or Board of Directors.

SECTION 7: Social Media Committee.

The Social Media Committee shall organize and forward a list of updates and/or changes at the end of each month to the Webmaster. The NARBC, Inc website will be maintained by a private company/individual not associated with NARBC, Inc. The Association site shall, at a minimum, provides basic information concerning the Association and how to become a member. It may also include educational information and national show reports.

SECTION 8: Membership Committee.
The Membership Committee shall:

  1. Work with the Publicity Committee for the planning of, obtaining and revising an informational and membership brochure for distribution to potential members.
  2. Recruit new and renewal memberships.
  3. When notified, shall send get well cards or sympathy cards to member(s).

SECTION 9: Newsletter.
The Editor shall publish the Association's newsletter, Angora News, according to the following guidelines:

  1. There shall be published three issues of the Angora News, Association finances permitting.
  2. Deadline publications shall be: March 1st, August 1st and December 1st of each year.
  3. As a primary means of member-to-member communication, the newsletter will encourage and print articles submitted by members concerning any matters which may be of interest to the membership in the breeding or utilization of Angora rabbits or rabbits in general or of the Angora Rabbit Club or rabbit Associations in general.
  4. Initially the Editor may reject for publication any article, which seems to contain an attack on an individual of a personal nature rather than addressing a problem or matter in a manner befitting good taste. Copies of all such rejected material shall be provided to the Board of Directors shall make the final determination as to whether the article is printed.
  5. The newsletter Editor may be directed by the President or the Board of Directors to perform duties as assigned.
  6. The chairperson of the Newsletter Committee shall be designated Newsletter Editor.

SECTION 10: Publicity Committee.
The Publicity Committee shall:

  1. Provide information to the public and breeders as well as supply promotional articles to trade journals and various media.
  2. Provide an article to the ARBA publication.
  3. Plan, put into effect, and carry out a publicity program designed to secure new members and to encourage renewals.
  4. Work with the Membership Committee to create, update, modify and print a pamphlet/brochure regarding NARBC, Inc.

SECTION 11: Show Advisory Committee.
The Show Advisory Committee shall

  1. Consist of the Vice President, the Secretary, and at least one (1) Adult Director.
  2. Advise clubs hosting the National Angora Show and those hosting Angoras at ARBA Conventions.

SECTION 12: Show Rules Committee.
The Show Rules Committee shall:

  1. Answer requests from the members for clarification of the present show rules.
  2. Revise show rules in accordance with the ARBA changes and settle problems that arise.
  3. Publish in the newsletter any amendment or modification of show rules.

SECTION 13: Standards, Research and Development Committee.
At least one officer or adult director shall serve on the Standards, Research and Development Committee. The Standards, Research and Development Committee shall:

  1. Continually review the Standard of Perfection as set forth by ARBA.
  2. Handle all inquiries and concerns regarding the Standards.
  3. Receive and consider any proposed revisions requested by the membership or the ARBA Standards Committee for submission to the ARBA Standards Committee.
  4. Shall submit to ARBA Standards Committee, upon approval of the membership, requested revisions or modifications considered to be in the best interest of the breed.
  5. Shall be responsible for the research and development of the angora breeds. This shall include but is not limited to the establishment of new varieties/breeds and providing support to the members engaged in such development on behalf of the Association.

SECTION 14: Boutique Committee
The Boutique Committee shall:

  1. Maintain an inventory of items for sale.
  2. Reorder supplies as necessary, except the Guidebook,
  3. Determine the selling price of items.
  4. Place an ad in each issue of the Angora News regarding the items available for sale, including cost.
  5. Send the bills to the Treasurer for payment.
  6. Forward monies received to the Treasurer.
  7. Provide items for sale at the National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club, Inc Specialty Show and the American Rabbit Breeders Association Convention.

SECTION 15: Youth Committee.

The Youth Committee shall establish and maintain contact with youth groups throughout each area to form a network whereby youth may be encouraged and educated to the advantages of breeding and raising Angora rabbits. The Youth Director shall act as a co-Chairperson on this committee.

SECTION 16: Special Committees.

The President or the Board of Directors may create special committees as necessary.

SECTION 17: Sanctions, Sweepstakes and Angora of the Year Committee.
The Sweepstakes, Sanctions and Angora of the Year Committee shall:

  1. Shall issue sanctions to clubs.
  2. Maintain an accurate record of all shows sanctioned by NARBC, Inc.
  3. Forward a list of sanctioned shows to the Newsletter Editor for publication in each issue of the newsletter.
  4. Forward all monies received to the Treasurer on a monthly basis.
  5. Enforce the Show Rules of the Association to ensure prompt return of show reports.
  6. Maintain a record of all show reports received from sanctioned shows.
  7. Tabulate an accurate accounting of Sweepstakes points.
  8. Notify Show Secretaries having delinquent show reports at thirty (30) days and forty-five (45) days past their show date.
  9. Submit a report of at least the top ten sweepstakes point earners in each breed, open and youth, with names and number of sweepstakes points included, to the Newsletter Editor for publication in each issue of the newsletter.
  10. Forward to the Newsletter Editor a year-end report of the complete Sweepstakes standing for publication.
  11. Forward an updated list of delinquent show reports to the Newsletter Editor for publication in each issue of the newsletter.
  12. Order Sweepstakes awards for the membership.
  13. Tabulate an accurate account of Angora of the Year in all four angora breeds in open and youth.
  14. Forward to the Newsletter Editor a year-end report of the complete Angora of the Year standing for publication.
  15. For each issue of the Angora News, submit a report of the top ten Angora of the Year point earners in each breed, open and youth with names the ear number of the angora to the Newsletter Editor.
  16. Order Angora of the Year awards.
  17. Distribute the Sweepstakes awards and Angora of the Year awards as determined by the Board.


Any proposed Amendment to this document must be submitted in writing to the Constitution Committee for review to determine that it is correctly stated and is consistent with other provisions of the existing Constitution and By-Laws. The proposed change shall then be forwarded to the Board of Directors and the Newsletter Editor for inclusion in the next Newsletter. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all votes cast by mail, provided all members in good standing are notified in writing of the proposed changes and furnished a ballot at least thirty (30) days before the closing of the polls; or may be amended at the annual meeting by two-thirds (2/3) majority of all good standing members present, provided there is a quorum (20 members) of the membership present.

ADOPTED 10/31/79; REVISED 6/30/85; REVISED 4/30/86; REVISED 10/13/87; REVISED 2/15/89; REVISED 6/30/92; REVISED 3/15/ 93; REVISED 6/1/96; REVISED 11/15/96; REVISED 12/25/97; REVISED 10/1/98; REVISED 2/28/99; REVISED 5/10/99; REVISED 10/25/00; REVISED 10/5/05; REVISED 10/15/10; REVISED 10/13/12; REVISED 10/3/17; REVISED: 06/05/2021

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